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Daddying guest blogger submission guidelines

How To Submit A Guest Blog Idea For Consideration

The DADvocacy Consulting Group (DCG) is happy to accept third-party proposals for a broad range of dad-related articles for publishing in the Daddying blog. While most of our content is developed and/or solicited by DCG’s editorial staff, we accept guest post proposals from dads, granddads, and others who play daddying roles (e.g., brothers, uncles, coaches, teachers, mentors, etc), of all backgrounds and expertise. We are open to accepting posts from moms as well as kids writing about relationships with their fathers/father figures. NOTE: The Daddying blog does not offer paid compensation to guest bloggers.


General Guidelines

  • Prospective guest bloggers should first forward a brief (< 300 words) proposal by email to DCG’s Director of Communications (scott [at] daddywishesfund [dot] com) with the subject line: DADDYING Guest Blog Proposal.”

  • Submission types may be research articles, 1st-person narratives, published book excerpts, interviews, dad-focused book/movie reviews, or other artistic expressions of mindful, engaged parenting, such as dad-themed photo/video essays and short films, poems, songs, or artwork.

  • If accepted, submissions should be no more than 800 words, unless content warrants in-depth coverage (e.g., research-heavy articles) and is approved in advance by Daddying editors. We will request additional materials (photos, etc.) and may contact you with follow-up questions, as necessary.

  • DCG editors reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity and length, as appropriate, and with consent of guest blogger before publishing.

  • DCG will accept previously published articles – preferably no more than 5 years old. Please let us know in your proposal if this is the case so that, if accepted, we can give appropriate credit upon publication.

  • Guest bloggers should provide a photo/headshot and brief bio. Photos of guest blogger with their kids/grandkids or dads/granddads are particularly welcome!

  • Guest bloggers may also provide additional photos, brief video, artwork (in JPEG, PNG, or MPEG formats), and/or links to related news articles or websites, to be considered for inclusion in published layout. Final formatting, graphics/artwork, and overall design of guest blog posts will be at the discretion of DCG editors.

  • Once published in Daddying, DCG will share guest posts via social media, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and ~1,500 MailChimp subscribers. Guest bloggers are encouraged to share a link to their Daddying post on their own social media or other personal networking platforms.

  • DCG will respond to all guest blog proposals within a reasonable timeframe. But given the number of requests we receive, response may take up to three weeks.


Thanks for considering a guest post for the Daddying blog. We look forward to hearing from you – Daddy on!

Contact us

Allan Shedlin, Founding DADvocate


4822 Bradley Boulevard


Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Name *

Email *



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