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The DADDYING blog provides commentary, research, personal narratives, reviews & recommendations, and other creative expressions from
a diverse group of parenting colleagues, guest writers, and experts to raise awareness and promote the benefits of lifelong dad involvement.

Allan Shedlin
Mar 25, 2021
Granddaddying Wisdom: Let Nature Be Your Teacher
I realize when I make a donation to The Nature Conservancy, I’m not giving anything of yours away. On the contrary, I’m investing for you...

Allan Shedlin
Mar 11, 2021
I'm Forever Holding Onto Fond Memories of My Dad
We didn’t know we were poor. We had the richness of the affection of our parents; we basked in their love...

Allan Shedlin
Feb 18, 2021
It's The Little Things They Will Remember
...engaging my children in making fresh pasta or brewing a cup of espresso, is a lesson in the joy of those simple things.

Allan Shedlin
Feb 4, 2021
How To Cope With A Race That Never Ends
We avoid the runner’s pitfall of incessantly asking “How much more is left?” Instead, we focus on our journey toward the finish...

Allan Shedlin
Dec 2, 2020
Hammering Out Life's Lessons
I was born in 1951 when my Dad was almost 40. That was the time when fathers were supposed to dispense advice to children based on TV shows.

Allan Shedlin
Oct 22, 2020
A Good "Family Man" Can Be Hard to Define
I have been a dad for 48 years and a Grandpa for 12. My "kids" have thanked me, over and over, for their growing up.

Allan Shedlin
Oct 1, 2020
The Superpower of Being Present
Think of the children in your life. Their superpower is living in the moment. COVID-19 implores us to be more like our children.

Allan Shedlin
Sep 10, 2020
Lost In The Sun
As best as any words can, Ethelbert Miller's "Lost In The Sun" conveys some of the unimaginable heartbreak felt by a parent losing a child.
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Allan Shedlin
Aug 20, 2020
How To Best Support Your Child’s Other Father
Biological fathers shouldn't view stepdads or foster dads as a threat to the relationship they have with their kids.

Allan Shedlin
Aug 6, 2020
Be the Role Model You Wanted As A Kid
What I wanted back then was access to an adult with whom I could take refuge & trust to let me vent...Luckily, my dad recognized this too.

Allan Shedlin
Jul 30, 2020
Mommying Helps Me Cope with COVID-19 Isolation and Dad Grief
My own personal grief has been set aside while we mourn so many things before COVID19. The pandemic made me be the mother I dreamed of being

Allan Shedlin
Jul 16, 2020
Rebuilding My Relationship With Dad Now That He's Gone
It was only in the following days, weeks, & years that I realized his passing was just the beginning of a new kind of relationship with him.
1 comment

Allan Shedlin
Jul 2, 2020
Presidential Fathers: The Most Powerful Men Can Be Involved Dads
What are the possibilities for effective “daddying” when dad is one of the most powerful and busiest people in the world?

Allan Shedlin
Jun 25, 2020
An Ode To Baseball Dads
One of the best parts of being in this baseball family community is that I’ve had many chances to witness father-son relationships.

Allan Shedlin
Jun 11, 2020
Daddying Helps Navigate Shifting Landscapes of Work and Masculinity
Several trends have made dads less involved in the lives of kids, making evolved versions of male role models, or "daddying," vital as ever.

Allan Shedlin
Jun 4, 2020
I Am Not My Father’s Daughter – Wait, Yes I Am
Judge Monica Zamora proudly declares herself to be her father's daughter.

Allan Shedlin
May 28, 2020
Your Helping Hand Is the Antidote to COVID-19 Fear
With COVID-19, we're all scared & want to know how to overcome fear it's caused. Reaching out to hold someone’s hand is the best antidote.

Allan Shedlin
May 21, 2020
Mindfulness Helps Honor What's Important On Memorial Day
Armor Down founder and DADvisor Ben King teaches us a new way to give honor and observe Memorial Day with our families through mindfulness.

Allan Shedlin
May 7, 2020
Giving Dads Help They Need to Be Involved and Battle "Guy Code"
Research shows kids & families are healthier when dads/kids are involved in each others' lives. Removing as many obstacles as possible helps

Allan Shedlin
Apr 29, 2020
This Is What I Learned From My Lovely Emma On A Windy Day
Emma’s my 9-year-old granddaughter, the first offspring of my first offspring. To say Emma is a delight begs more descriptive adjectives.
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