DCG services
DCG brings together a core team of DADvocates – each with more than 20 years experience in the fatherhood field. While hailing from diverse backgrounds, our DADvocates share the belief that there is no such thing as a “perfect” parent. We understand that daddying does not take place in a vacuum, but rather within a dynamic social context called “family” that operates in a broader socio-cultural context.
Our principal DADvocates have worked with fathers in a variety of ways and in a variety of settings. We have:
Developed programs and curricula
Conducted research
Formulated policy
Offered workshops, father support groups, and trainings
Written widely in the professional and popular press, as well as appeared on radio and television
Consulted for a wide range of governmental/non-governmental agencies, schools, corporations and other national and international organizations
Served on father- and family-related panels
Provided keynote addresses throughout the United States on a variety of father- and family-related topics.
In addition to our DADvocates’ ongoing work in the specialty areas listed below, we have assembled a DADvisory Team to complement our experience as well as to provide additional expertise, as needed.
Collaborating with childcare/early childhood/Head Start centers and school settings to increase vibrant father engagement
Creating and conducting father support groups in a wide variety of corporate and organizational/agency settings
Designing and conducting programs for grandfather engagement
Creating father-friendly environments and father-inclusive policies
Promoting positive co-parenting, healthy couple relationships and respecting maternal and paternal parenting styles
Assisting fathers with special needs -- including foster and adoptive dads
Working with incarcerated dads and their families
Working with military dads and their families
Writing commentaries, bylined articles, and guest blog posts
Conducting qualitative research
Providing staff development and training
Developing products and curriculum
Serving as a parenting idea and information clearinghouse by sharing articles, research, curricula, and other practical resources (books, videos, movies, games, etc.).